Many people purchased a chuck roast recently and no idea how to cook one.

It’s one the easiest things to cook and almost fool proof.

Get out your slow cooker or roasting pan with tight lid.

Add the roast, add about 2 cups of water or broth. spinkle a teastpoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of pepper- or eyeball it. Add 1 -5 cloves of peeled garlic. Slow cook it on low for 6-8 hours until fall apart tender. or Roast in the oven at 300 for 4-5 hours till fall apart tender. Ovens might take a little longer than that but it depends on your oven and the size of the roast. Once it’s done it can be held on warm until are ready.

You can also add an onion, a celery stalk and a few carrots to this too. Add potatoes later on. Chuck roasts go really well with mushrooms too.

Key is a low slow roast with plenty of liquid. I cook these earlier in the day, cut into pieces and make up quick stew then freeze it for later meals.

Chuck roasts are often referred to as Pot Roasts. Super easy and tender but remember low, slow cooking until fall apart tender.

Makes awesome bbq beef too. Cook like above then shred and add bbq sauce or cook with a dry bbq rub rubbed in, don’t forget plenty of liquid to keep it moist and aid in the breakdown of the meat.