Creekside Meadows Farm

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Summer is gone and fall felt like summer most of the time.

We just closed our summer farmstand and never got enough time free to get it renovated. We had, well we still have plans to make it just a little bigger and enclose it so we can still use it during winter months . Hopefulliy next year!

Anyways, you can find some of our soaps and popcorn at 20/East in Cazenovia or shop our online store.

You can then just schedule a day/time you want to pickup at the farm. We leave your order in a cooler by the stand for pickup.

We are back to shipping popcorn, soaps, maple sugar, honey and have some sweet gift boxes too. The boxes have an assortment of goodies from the farm and. you can pickup or we ship to the US using USPS.

There is still some of our 100% grassfed- no grain ever Ground beef available plus some of our smoked summer sausages and a few bags of soup bones too.